Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Meet Libby- Miss Priss with a capital P

My precious Libby girl.  There is no question that you are a girl, and this is why:

- You usually cross your ankles/legs- so lady like
- You like to be held- a LOT
- You love to snuggle, especially in daddy's arms
- You do not like to have a wet ot dirty diaper AT ALL
- You have little rose bud lips
- You prefer to only wear pink- okay this might be influenced by mom...
- You like to put your hands up by your face, almost like you are posing
- You like the camera
- You like the attention, no problem looking cute
- You think you should not have to wait and should always be first,ie: first to have a bath at night, first to be picked up, lady's first right? .. however, you have a twin- so waiting it part of the deal :)
- You cant leave the house without a bow or headband, acccessories are VIP
- You can be a little bit of drama, but you usually save it for me- your mama!  Your daddy's little girl and can do no wrong, of course

We love you Libby Jean- this is what you've been up to as a newborn:

1 comment:

  1. Laura,
    Just got your adorable birth announcement in the mail and had to check out this blog! So good to hear updates and see some adorable pictures! Praying for your sweet family and for time to rest, eat and shower ;)

    Love you!
