Friday, November 9, 2012

Its Time to Move Kids... to the Nursery :)

Time to use those cribs kiddos- about a month ago we officially moved you two to your big kid cribs where you basically take up one little corner of the huge crib matress.  However, it is so fun to see you both swaddled in there cozy and snug.  Your cribs were a gift from Mimi and PapaJ (Lomax) and it's so fun to see you sleep soundly.  The key is, how did we get you from our room to yours?  It was a marathon not a sprint.  People were right, we would sleep better and you would sleep better if you were not in the same room as us.  And you were starting to wake up each other.  Luke you would squirm around and bang your sister in the head or push her up against the side of the bassinet.  Which usually resulted in some outcry, we would get up and take a look and you had this is expression on your face like "I didn't do it, why are you looking at me?" Regardless, it was time to give you the boot. Stage 1- we moved you to the sunroom.  How far is that from mom and dad's room? Oh, it shares a wall.  So we left the door open and basically you were just a little farther away,,, but then Stage 2- was the study.  We wheeled the bassinet and sound machine in there, and that was on the other side of the house. You guys loved it in there because it was nice and dark.  However, Stage 3- was your nursery and once we got used to you being there it was worth it.  You both sleep great.  The only issue is, that I stare at the monitor ALL NIGHT LONG. I watch to see if you are going to get up, if you are moving, if you are breathing, which in turn equals little sleep regardless of how much you get up to eat :) Not sure how we will ever let you go to Kindergarten if letting you sleep in your own nursery was hard... but one thing at a time.  For now, sweet dreams my little newborns.


1 comment:

  1. Great job, Pete and Laura!!!! Isn't moving them to their own room THE BEST? We were chastised, but did it at five weeks and it paid off big time for all of us! I slept with the monitor ON me for weeks though.... :)
