Friday, November 9, 2012

True Confessions of a Twin Mom


I think this post will have to be a continued entry, as each week I realize there is something random or crazy that I do.  The beginning was more about survival with two babies, now it's just comical!

A few things that come to mind that I thoroughly admit to doing in the last 12 weeks:

- mixing up the babies cries, and therefore feeding/caring for the wrong one in the middle of the night
- using any color on any kid- Luke has used a pink swaddle and/or pink blanket many times :)
- sharing passifiers between the kids- I KNOW- this is horrible, but sometimes, you just grab what's closest to you
- falling asleep while feeding them
- washing bottles by a very fast rinse, rather than a deep scrub
- setting up our family room in activity stations- kinda like teaching kindergarten all over again :) Gotta rotate!
- changing diapers anywhere around the house, ANYWHERE!
- you guys are napping, cookies for breakfast? why not?
-  using a written out checklist in my diaper bag to make sure we have what we need x2 anytime we leave the house- better safe than sorry- although it does sound a little paranoid I know :)
- Last time I cooked a real meal?- no idea, but for sure not after August 2nd!  Working towards that!

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