Thursday, December 13, 2012


Our house is officially now referred to as "Twinville."  My mom, Mimi, came up with that when she was staying with us one time when they were newborns.  Its a great name to capture all things twin- 2 of most things, a little crazy at times, never a dull moment, and comical for sure!
Heres a few pics showing random things that you kids have been up to!
 Enjoying the fall weather and changing leaves :)

These finally fit!  I got them when we announced the gender with our family! They were attached to the bottom of the balloons and the balloons were in big boxes that they had to open- such fun!

Morning Libby Girl- stretch!

Hi Luke!

Happy Happy

I have turned our bassinet that was used for sleeping, into a play place!

Creative with the tummy time- Libby you hate it. But we have to do it kiddo!

Not quite ready for Bumbo seats but mom is attemping to show you what it feels like to sit up!
Double Twin Bobby underneath and 2 regular boppys on top- so much stuff in this house!!

Took this picture to get an accurate look at the size difference between these kiddos! Crazy!!!

 AWW!  Little Man! Its Little Pete- or as we say Pete and RE-Pete :) Ha Ha

Sound machines- traveling sound machines= survival and necessary for these twins! They love the ocean sound and it is very helpful for them in the car or out and about when they are tired or want to take a snooze.  They go out like a light!  Thank you Buy Buy Baby!!

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