Monday, March 25, 2013

Nite Nite

Sleeping Soundly. What is more precious and sweet than a sleeping baby? Not much, but in our house it's 2 sleeping babies. You are both such great sleepers, especially at night, but you always look so peaceful that I find myself snapping pictures to remember you all cuddled up in your cribs. Libby, you used a "Nap Nanny" for the first 7 months, which kept you on an angle because of your reflux. They were actually recalled but we kept using it for a few more months because you were safe in your crib. :) You both love your "lovies" that are so soft and you hold on to them as you fall asleep. Luke- you kind of eat yours... and you are also a thumb sucker in your crib, until you are fast asleep.
 I did not get in the habit of rocking you to sleep, because there was no way to do that with both of you at the same time, and you easily learned to put yourself to sleep in your cribs.  However, lately I have been going into your nursery after you are asleep and rocking one of you at a time in the comfy rocking chair. It reminds me of the book my mom used to read to us and has given to us at different times over our lives. "Love You Forever" There is a part of that book that the mom writes over and over and it is not only so true but so special to my mom and I.  Now that I have the honor of being a mom as well, it is special to me with Luke and Libby.  I love rocking you both and holding you while you sleep.
"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living my baby you'll be."

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